New: PVD coating

Chem-Tec Plating now also offers PVD coating. A surface treatment where the coating is vaporized under vacuum, which gives a harder and more wear-resistant coating.

Surface treatment

We have expertise in a large selection of metallic surface treatment with chemical, electrolytic and PVD processes. In all cases, we focus on quality and flexibility. Chem-Tec Plating A/S offers surface treatment only for the professional market and is able to develop customer-specific solutions.


We advise you on surface treatment and help you clarify which coatings best suit your needs. This applies to both large and small items, in large and small quantities. In flexible cooperation, we are happy to take part in the development process. We always ensure high quality.

Your partner in metallic surface treatment

Chem-Tec Plating A/S is a reliable, quality-conscious and not least environmentally responsible business partner. A business partner that is characterized by honoring agreements, fulfilling expectations and requirements, as well as offering a high degree of delivery reliability.


Som totalleverandør og gennem et tæt samarbejde med vores kunder, har vi siden 1986 specialiseret os inden for kemisk og elektrolytisk overflade­behandling. Vi arbejder altid med den nyeste teknologi og maskinpark, og ser at vi konstant udvikler os mod det bedre.

  • Metallic surface treatment with chemical, electrolytic and PVD processes.
  • Advanced functional and decorative coatings for various industries.
  • Consulting and development of the best surface treatment.
  • Specialized construction and installation of production lines for larger, continuous productions
  • Major player in Northern Europe.

We are ambitious, innovative and systematic - all to ensure a professional focus on providing the best and most valuable service for our customers.

Product overview

Consultancy and offers

Chem-Tec Plating A/S takes pride in being competitive and we emphasize the importance of a dependable supply chain for our clients. To meet the needs of our clients, we implement modern solutions and manage the entire process from start to finish. We provide consultancy and solutions for these four key areas:

  • Surface treatment of components for electronics
  • Surface treatment of components for the energy industry
  • Surface treatment of components for mechanics
  • Surface treatment of exclusive, decorative items

Få svar på dine spørgsmål om overflade­behandling og hør, hvordan vi udfører opgaven, så det giver størst værdi for dit projekt.

About Chem-Tec Plating A/S

Chem-Tec Plating A/S har siden 1986 arbejdet med og specialiseret sig indenfor funktionel overflade­behandling. Vores funktionelle overflade­behandling har til opgave at sikre primære egenskaber som kontaktering, hårdhed, korrosions­bestandighed og nedsættelse af friktion. Vi tilbyder galvanisk og kemisk overflade­behandling, samt PVD-belægning. Vi fremstår stærkt som en omstillingsparat og professionel virksomhed i Nordeuropa, som i samarbejde med vores kunder er i stand til at løse en bred vifte af opgaver helt fra ideudvikling til det færdigbehandlede slutprodukt. Sammen optimerer vi værdikæden.

Vi hjælper dig med at finde de rette løsninger inden for overflade­behandling. Kontakt os for at høre mere om, hvordan vi kan optimere din proces og levere et resultat, der matcher dine krav.

Write an email to or call us at +45 75 67 92 92.