
Chem-Tec Plating A/S is continuously working on optimization of processes and facilities, but regardless our efficiency, surface treatment still requires energy.

Energy fee

Energy is a resource that has affected the market with large fluctuations in recent years. Until 2023, we were able to insulate our customers from these fluctuations due to our fixed-price agreement on electricity. However, with the expiration of that agreement and increased grid tariffs, we were faced with an increase in electricity costs in 2024.

Therefore, we were forced to introduce an energy surcharge from January 1, 2024, which followed our energy costs. It was adjusted monthly to reflect our actual electricity costs in the latest electricity invoice.

The energy surcharge has been discontinued as of December 31, 2024.

Energy surcharge of invoice amount
on surface coating
without gold/silver with gold/silver
From 01.01.2025 0% 0%
From 11.12.2024 2,2% 1,6%
From 11.11.2024 1,8% 1,2%
From 10.10.2024 1,0% 0,7%
From 10.09.2024 1,4% 0,8%
From 12.08.2024 1,2% 0,9%
From 10.07.2024 0,8% 0,6%
From 13.06.2024 0,7% 0,6%
From 10.04.2024 1,7% 1,3%
From 12.03.2024 1,5% 0,9%
From 14.02.2024 2,4% 1,6%
From 01.01.2024 2,4% 1,7%

Product overview

Excerpt from our environmental policy

  • We implement environmentally conscious management by integrating environmental management as an essential element in management functions.
  • We continuously develop our environmental policy and results in accordance with technical and scientific developments, our customers' needs and society's expectations, with legal requirements and regulations as a starting point.
  • We educate, train and motivate employees to carry out their tasks in an environmentally sound manner.
  • We continuously work to ensure efficient utilization of energy, materials and other resources.
  • We continuously work on minimizing harmful environmental impacts and waste production, as well as safe and responsible disposal of waste.

Excerpt from our quality policy

  • Our work must always meet our customers' requirements and expectations
  • We have incorporated the concept of quality as an integral part of each employee's functions
  • We remedy errors and deficiencies quickly, so that the disadvantages for the customer are minimized and repetition is prevented
  • We must provide qualified advice to the customer regarding which surface treatment is best suited for the purpose
  • We will continuously assess and improve the effectiveness of the quality management system
  • We will ensure optimal and efficient processes through process management and data collection

Contact us and learn how we can help you

We help you find the right solutions within surface treatment. Contact us to find out more about how we can optimize your process and deliver a result that matches your requirements.

Write an email to or call us at +45 75 67 92 92.